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I'm laid back and love to to travel! This blog is for my family & friends to follow me on my new journey. I am excited to be crusin' with Carnival and seeing the world. Thanks for stopping by and hearing about my travels, life on the boat and stories along the way! Cheers.

Mar 22, 2013

looking back to the Legend

So wow its been a long time since I've been on here and I thought I could maybe look back on that last contract and reflect on my experiences. What is it that makes a contract? Is it the people you meet, the people you wait on, the ports you visit, or just the experiences you had. Well the Legend was definitely a rocky road which had its ups and downs. But through it all I can say the people I met are going to be lifelong friends and the experiences life long memories.... I visited the jungles of Belize underground rivers and caves numerous times on the Yucatan Peninsula which really puts you in such a peaceful place...Scuba dove in the serene waters of the Caribbean through sunken ships in Cayman and with the Dolphins and Manatees in both Cozumel and Roatan.Before then I Forgot what it was to be so passionate about something until I discovered the underwater world. Something so peaceful something so amazing. To know that all this life is under us while sailing just intrigues me, and all I want to do is explore it. I can say that with all the amazing places I've seen and adventures I've had it wouldn't be the same without the amazing people that shared it with me. I hope to one day meet those amazing people that helped make my contract bearable at times and amazing at times. I had a blast with you all...

Jul 1, 2012

How Time Flies

So as I sit here today on my moms balcony I look back at the past year and cant believe how quickly the time has passed. Ive finished one contract on the Glory, where I started off this scared person not knowing anything about the road that lied ahead and finished it off with some amazing friends, a new family and memories that will last forever. Upon returning home I didnt know what I would do for the two months to keep myself occupied but who knew the time would just pass on by. Ive enjoyed all my time that I had with new and old friends and family and am now ready to walk out that front door and start my new adventure. Today at 12 pm I will be boarding the Legend for another fun filled adventure at sea. Looking foward to the friends and family I meet there and the new experiences to be had. Thank you all for being a part of my life and please keep in touch

Apr 26, 2012

almost over

wow has the time flown by i cant believe my contract is almost over. This may very well be my last time sitting on the streets of san juan for awhile, but who knows well see. Just one week left and im not wuiet ready to leave will i be able to extendband stay a little longer, fingers crossed and hoping all works out like it should. Wow has my life changed and my thoughts on things now differ. The experiences i had and people i met are absolutely amazing and i would not change it for the world. Everyday things now to me are times that people wait all year to go on vacation and have ftom swimmingnwith the sea lions in st thomas to just having lunch in puerto rico. The family i have found on board though very different but very close to my heart. When its over i will miss them all dearly. Enjoy everyday while you have it and experiences while they last. Ake chances do something new it will give you memonries of a lifetime.

Mar 4, 2012

sitting and watching

so as i sit here in a little bistro inmiami i just watch and think. This is the life that i left behind to ollow my love for the sea, and i cant help to thinkhow thankful i am though life onland is great and mine was definately that but not as exciting. Though i miss the relationships with people on land even just your waiter at a restaurant or the keeper of the store you always go to the relationships at sea are different. Everyone has this commonality with eachother in lifethis lifeon the open waters that they share. As i talk to people that have done this for years they tell me how they always think after the contract is over im done, but then they keep comming back. Why you may wander they say time at home just becomes routine and they miss the hustle and bustle of theship
Going to a different place everyday and always having new people in yourhouse both employees and guests. As some days i absolutely love this life and some days im ready to go home i cant help but be thankful i tried this dream but wished i tried it sooner as i voukd already be well in the way of mycareer at sea and also had the funtimes of a younger age and a time of ship life when things werent as strict and theemployees had it great. The stories i her of times past help me do nothing but wonder why did i chicken out then whydid i not go for this dream why did i have the comfort of life and notwant to break out of that ubble. In a way imvery envious ofbthey people that are starting at that young age or have done it for years as that is what i wished. As you get older you need to think ofbthe future and not just the adventures to be had. Did i miss this part of my future